uvex safety group and uvex sports group

We protect people. At work and at play. On the production line and on the ski slope. While welding or while riding. uvex is one brand with one mission: protecting people.

Products in the uvex sports group include ski goggles and helmets, equestrian riding helmets, cycling helmets, sports eyewear and motorsport racing helmets. As safety equipment suppliers and partners for international top-level sport, uvex equips more than 1,000 professional athletes worldwide. Everything revolves around safety at work in the uvex safety group and we produce personal protective equipment from head to toe – from protective helmets to safety shoes.

Sharing expertise

Products must meet the highest demands regarding safety, function and wearer comfort in the world of sports, just like they have to in the workplace. The transfer of knowledge between the two divisions fosters the continuous development of our safety equipment products in both industrial and sporting sectors. This synergy between our workplace PPE and sports safety specialists puts uvex in a prominent position among safety equipment suppliers. Sports and safety divisions not only work together, but also complement each other perfectly in the experience, expertise and technical knowledge they can share.

Building protection and ensuring a smooth ride

The proof of how uvex divisions cooperate well together was evident at the exciting Red Bull District Ride in Nuremberg, Germany. Our cycling safety equipment safeguarded riders from risk, but uvex also protected the workers behind the scenes. So while uvex sports equipped some of the world’s best riders with helmets and goggles, uvex safety provided PPE (personal protective equipment) to construction teams at the spectacular bike event. Both divisions contributed to an excellent team effort in front of 120,000 spectators and brought the uvex brand to life throughout the whole event. Safety equipment from uvex received star billing.

The best of both worlds

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Find out more about other brands in the uvex group

HexArmor safety gloves

HexArmor® has been a glove safety leader in North America for over 15 years, redefining the hand safety market. Their range of high-performance products has helped to eliminate millions of hand injuries worldwide.

Heckel specialist footwear

Specialists in the processing of rubber for new sole technologies with state-of-the-art manufacturing processes. Heckel safety shoes are non-slip, withstand extreme conditions and have a strong focus on style.

uvex sports

Reliable partner for top athletes and enthusiastic recreational athletes who want their performance to reach the podium. Helmets, glasses and gloves offer indispensable protection in extreme situations and casual comfort for everyday challenges.

Manufacturing expertise

We offer personal protective equipment from head to toe, with manufacturing expertise in all areas.

Learn more about our manufacturing expertise

Quality made in uvex

"Made in uvex" is a quality seal – and our promise to customers, employees and the environment.

Learn more about our quality standards

Our locations

We have a total of 47 production sites and sales locations in 22 countries.

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