Understanding the difference between waterproof and water-resistant safety footwear

In the dynamic world of personal protective equipment (PPE), the choice of safety footwear is a crucial decision. When it comes to protection against the elements, particularly water, understanding the distinctions between waterproof and water-resistant safety footwear is paramount. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the characteristics, advantages, and considerations of each, empowering you to make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs.


Waterproof safety footwear is designed to keep water out, providing an impermeable barrier against moisture. These boots undergo rigorous testing to ensure they meet stringent waterproof standards. Typically, they are constructed using advanced materials such as Gore-Tex or other specialised membranes that prevent water penetration.

Key Features:

  1. Sealed seams: Waterproof boots are crafted with sealed seams that leave no room for water to seep through vulnerable points.
  2. Specialised membranes: Advanced waterproof membranes are integrated into the footwear, ensuring a breathable yet watertight seal.
  3. Water-repellent materials: The outer materials of waterproof boots are treated to repel water, preventing it from saturating the boot's surface.
Advantages of waterproof footwear:
  • Unrivalled Protection: Waterproof safety footwear provides unparalleled protection against heavy rain, deep puddles, and other water-related hazards.
  • Climate Versatility: Ideal for use in wet and unpredictable climates, these boots offer year-round reliability.
  • Durability: The construction of waterproof boots often involves high-quality materials, contributing to their overall durability.


Water-resistant safety footwear, on the other hand, is designed to repel water to a certain extent, providing protection against light rain and minor splashes. While not completely impervious to water, these boots offer a level of resistance that makes them suitable for specific working conditions.

Key Features:

  1. Treated materials: Water-resistant boots are made with materials that have been treated to resist water absorption.
  2. DWR coating: A durable water repellent (DWR) coating is often applied to the outer layer, enhancing the boot's ability to repel water.
  3. Sealed seams (Optional): Some high-quality water-resistant boots may feature sealed seams for added protection.
Advantages of water-resistant footwear:
  • Versatility: Water-resistant boots strike a balance between protection and breathability, making them suitable for a wide range of environments.
  • Lighter weight: Generally, water-resistant boots tend to be lighter than their waterproof counterparts, providing increased comfort during extended wear.
  • Cost-fffective: Water-resistant options are often more budget-friendly, offering a cost-effective solution for those not requiring heavy water protection.

uvex safety footwear solutions